Astound Talks | SFCC Community webinar#1

We invite you to join the webinar about the industry-leading cloud platform – Salesforce Commerce Cloud. During the webinar, our experts will present various topics, including the familiarization with the use of the widget concept in Storefront Reference Architecture, and talk about historical solutions of storefront javascript architecture. You’ll also learn about the advantages/gaps of modern javascript frameworks in the context of SFCC, and why we created our own javascript framework for showcases. In addition, we’ll talk about the place of SFCC in the eсommerce Architecture Landscape.
Rest assured, all these topics will be very informative and interesting!
REGISTRATION :white_check_mark:

:beginner: «SFRA - Widgets concept» – Ihor Bilous, Technical Practice Lead
:beginner: «SFCC in the eсommerce Architecture Landscape» – Stanislav Publika, Principal Solution Architect

:calendar: Date: June 4, 6.30 – 9.30 pm
:speech_balloon: Languages: Ukrainian, Russian
:busts_in_silhouette: Audience: SFCC Frontend and Backend Developers, SFCC Web Developer Leads.

:loudspeaker: Participation is free.
We want to clarify that this webinar will focus on topics exclusively for SFCC professionals. Therefore, please be aware that the applications can be moderated by the organizers.


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